Monday, November 21, 2016

The Week Ahead

Outside my window... It is a bit gloomy with some sunshine out.

I am thinking... About all the things I have to do this week.

I am thankful for... Everything and everyone around me.

From the kitchen... I ate some sun chips.

I am hearing... My computer keys clicking as I type.

I am watching... Nothing at the moment, but I am typing this blog post, online classes for work, and some homework assignments.

Always one of my favorite things... To watch scary movies with friends and eat delicious food.

I am reading... My assignment directions.

I am making... I am working on the next infinity scarf that I am making. I think I'll give it to a friend for Christmas. Homemade gifts are the best.

I am writing... This blog post and my resume skills sheet.

A plans I have for this week... I had my car's oil change this morning, but I don't have work so I think Courtney is going to come over tonight. Tomorrow, I have class and also no work.Wednesday, I don't have work either or a lesson. I might see if I can go ride someone at the barn. Thursday is the day break starts so we will see what the plan is for that. I think I am going to Kaveh's parent's house for break.

MudLynn Update... MudLynn is doing very well. She is snoozing as always.

College Update... I just got my degree evaluation but I need to call the office and ask them some questions.

Riding Update...  I placed first at the first show of the season and now only need 4 points until I can go to Regionals. My goals are set high this year since it is my last year on the team.

Monday, November 7, 2016

The Week Ahead

Outside my window... It is a bit gloomy and a bit rainy.

I am thinking... About all the things I have to do this week.

I am thankful for... Everything and everyone around me.

From the kitchen... I ate some sun chips.

I am hearing... My computer keys clicking as I type.

I am watching... Nothing at the moment, but I am typing this blog post and some homework assignments.

Always one of my favorite things... To watch scary movies with friends and eat delicious food.

I am reading... My assignment directions.

I am making... I am working on the next infinity scarf that I am making. I think I'll give it to a friend for Christmas. Homemade gifts are the best.

I am writing... This blog post and my resume skills sheet.

A plans I have for this week... I worked a morning shift today and I am spending the morning/afternoon doing homework readings and assignments and then I go to work. Tuesday, I have class and then a team meeting. Wednesday, I have practice, errands (food shopping), and work. Thursday, I have classes again. Friday, I have practice and then work. This weekend, Kaveh and I are going to see my parents before they move.

MudLynn Update... MudLynn is doing very well. She is snoozing as always.

College Update... I just realized that I need to have a degree evaluation and turn in papers for my major.

Riding Update...  I placed first at the first show of the season and now only need 4 points until I can go to Regionals. My goals are set high this year since it is my last year on the team.

Ways To Earn Money While In College

If you didn't know before, I'm a poor twenty-something college student who is always looking for ways to earn more at my job or through other ways, but I think all college students do that. We have to pay for books, food, and all the essentials and it can be rough when you're tight on funds.
  1. Friends needing rides to the bus station or airport?When you live in the dorms or off campus and you have a car, you're the prime candidate that friends go to when they need a ride somewhere. So if they ask you for a ride to say the airport, ask them to chip in some gas money. I did this during my time in the dorms and it was so nifty. I wouldn't have to withdraw cash from my bank account for gas; instead, I had cash my friends gave me for gas.
  2. Consign clothes you don't wear. This won't bring you a lot of cash, but it will bring you something you can keep in the wallet in case you need an emergency snack somewhere. I did this at Buffalo Exchange and got about $11 from them. It was enough to help pay for a pedicure.
  3. The cliche pet sitting or babysitting. When you live in a college town, there are still families that work in the area and live there. Post yourself on Sitter City or any other babysitter/pet sitter forum and there will be request flooding in. You can customize what days your open, your pay, your experience, and certifications along with a little blurb about yourself.
  4. Free Lance Writing. Do you love to write or blog? There are many job postings of companies looking for people to write articles for them! You should check them out.
  5. The Odyssey Online.  This is subset of number 4, but is somewhat different. The Odyssey Online is an online platform where the articles are written mainly by students around the country. You can earn money depending on the amounts of shares you get for your articles.
  6. Start an Ebay. Do you have some high-end items that you want someone else to appreciate? Set up an Ebay account and then people can bid on your items. The highest bidder will pay you a hefty sum for that Burberry handbag.
  7. Note Taking!! Any and every school has a disabilities department and when a student breaks their arm (more importantly their arm with their writing hand) they need someone to take notes for them. Schools pay other students for class notes for disabled students. So snag that opportunity up!
I hope this blog post has inspired students to try to earn some extra dollars while in school without having to get a legit job their first year. Comment down below on how these ways helped you!

DIY Queen and the Weekly Reads

Lately, I've been a bit more selfish about things that I like to do. For example, reading and DIY. DIY is things are so fun to do. I h...