Sunday, October 27, 2013

Washington International Horse Show

HM the Queen of England (Elizabeth II) wears what I am wearing. It's called Barbour

Holy smokes you guys! I had a blast over the two days that I spent at the Washington International Horse Show. I finally know that I want to truly spend the rest of my life riding and showing. I know what my goal is now. It is to show in as many shows in jumping and to try to one get to the Maclay and the Washington International Horse Show. I want to fall for a guy who is an equestrian (I have one dream guy! I saw him show yesterday!). I picked up so many brochures and booklets that it felt like being at Equine Affaire again. I bought my Barbour jacket as an early Christmas present. I love it! I love it! I love it! It is my winter jacket, but not for riding. I might use it for when I do the Christmas photo shoot with Hercules. It is sort of my everyday jacket for school, outings and such. 

You have no idea who I got to watch show! I saw Beezie Madden, McClain Ward, Laura Kraut, Kent Farrington, Darragh Kenny, Olivier and Nicola Phillippaerts! It was so amazing to be so close yet far from Beezie Madden! She is my inspiration to work on my jumping! I swear, they were jumping at least 5 ft fences! I think I am jumping 2'-2' 1/2" ft with Hercules. I want to go higher. I just need to work on my two-point (jumping position) and strengthen my legs and core in order to succeed. And lastly, I need to practice a lot. 

Darragh Kenny

McClain Ward

Nicola Phillippaerts

Him again <3

Beezie Madden

I can't wait for tomorrow, because I get to get on Hercules and jump again since I had a two week break due to family coming over. I am taking two or three carrots to make up for my absence. He will be so happy. I am going to work on my transitions, my two-point, and my posture tomorrow in my lesson. 

I have taken quite a fancy to Nicola Phillippaerts... 

A. He is an equestrian
B. He is very handsome.
C. He is around my age.

When I was watching him jump his horse, he made it look so flawless. Because his work is flawless. He has been doing this since he was a mere child, whereas I have been doing this since I was 10. So I have maybe a 5 year age difference in the riding. He is so cute though... It's really hard to ignore. I never knew he and his brother Olivier were twins. They do look like twins, but their facial structure is a bit different. 

One day, I won't be on the sidelines watching these talented riders compete. One day, after extensive show seasons, I will go to Maclay and then one day I will go on to Washington International Horse Show, and then finally to the Olympics. They're my dreams and goals, and I will reach them, somehow and someday when the time is right. 

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