Monday, November 11, 2013

Early Day!

Happy Veterans Day!!

Anyway's, I had an earlier lesson today because my instructor wanted to do it earlier. I warmed Hercules up in the indoor while waiting for my instructor. He was pretty good today on the flat. Later on, Kitchie came out of the office and we went outside to the arena. They took the dressage ring out so now there are jumps on both sides. There were only 5; two on the outside and one on the inside. We didn't jump the middle jump but we made it into trotting poles. Hercules was really good at extending his stride over the poles. If he was 14.2 instead of 14.3, he would have been worth a lot of money. I just found out that he is part Welsh Pony and part Thoroughbred. We are getting better at jumping, I am starting to be able to sense when he is going to refuse the jump. Also we are getting better at landing with the correct leads because I am starting to shift my weight to the outside and lightly half halt with the inside rein. I did almost fall off again today but i grabbed his neck so I was literally hanging on for dear life on his neck. But overall, we are definitely improving in our leads when landing from a jump. BYE GUYS!!

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