Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thursday Funtime

I started the day by doing a riding outfit of the day.

I wore my Horseware Ireland fleece, Ovation breeches and my Hunter wellies.

Today's lesson was thankfully in the indoor ring since it was all rainy and muddy outside.  Hercules was in his stall and not all muddy if he was in the field.

I spent some time in his stall since it started to pour down buckets. I spent some time bonding with Hercules and it was nice because he paid quite a lot of attention to me.

Once the rain let up a bit, Hercules and I made our way to the barn so that we could get ready. Since he was in his stall, he wasn't that dirty like he normally is. But still, I gave him a good curry and brushing because I love him so much. Once we were all tacked up, we made our short journey into the indoor.  When I was tightening his girth, one of the ladies that was riding asked me, "Does your horse have a matching blackout?" I got a happy feeling since she said,"your horse." I sadly told her I didn't have a matching blanket and that I wished he was my horse. I really do. If he was for sale, I'd buy him in a heart beat.

We started warming up with plenty of laps at a walk so that he was fully warmed up. Then we started to do some trotting in each direction. He was good after we cantered one way, but then he started to get a little funky and hyper. Kitchie called me over because she wanted to shorten his martingale because he was throwing his head up.

We had to wait somewhat untacked because Kitchie had to get the leather hole puncher. It was nice waiting though, because I got to mess around with his forelock. I don't think he liked it, hah!

I sadly don't have photos of me riding but I'll do my best to describe everything. We did a lot of equitation again like last week. This week we worked on halting after trotting or cantering. Hercules did very good but he was a bit mouthy when we were halting. He doesn't like the bit very much. After cantering around a few times, we started jumping! We didn't do a course, but we had a jump. 

We only did a few small cross rails. By we, I mean another lady and I. She's more of a beginner but we all remember being a beginner. 

As we were jumping, Kitchie wanted me to demonstrate for the other lady how important it is to have our heels down. Kitchie wanted me to trot to the cross rail, drop my reins and hold my hands out as if I were flying over the jump. Honestly, that was the first time doing it and it was so much fun. I did this three times then Kitchie raised the jump for me to jump. We did well jumping, but I'm going to start counting 1-2 to myself to help concentrate. When we finished jumping, we took a lot of laps of walking so that they weren't so sweaty.

We took a snap shot in front of one of the mirrored walls during our cool out.

Oh, poor baby. He looks like a ragamuffin; all disheveled. Since we finished and we were in the barn, I gave him a good grooming before I put him in his stall. Hercules was so happy to have his carrots and apples in his stall.

That's our funtime!


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