Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Week Ahead

Outside my window… It is gloomy and cool. No sunshine today, it is in the 60's again. I like this weather the most. Sweater Weather!

I am thinking… About what I need to do and save in order to live in New York City.

I am thankful… That I am getting more baby sitting and pet sitting clients. More money for my savings account. I have three more gigs for this week. 

From the kitchen… I am eating some delicious slices of Peaches and water. As well as cookies and icing.

I am hearing… The clicking of keys as my fingers type on my Macbook and Netflix playing a movie.

I am watching… Dreamwork Studios, Prince of Egypt on Netflix.

Always one of my favorite things… I love looking at apartments for sale in New York City in the Upper East Side and I love reading the new posts on Design Darling.

I am reading… I'm ready Army Wives. It's the book that the LifeTime Show Army Wives was based on. I actually got it signed at a function I attended with my mom.

I am making… Extra credit for English as well as Public Speaking journals.

I am writing… This blog post and my extra credit for English!

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week… Today, I have to go pick up my neighbor's son since her helper is out of town and then I am going riding at Hawkesbury with Meredith! I have some school on Wednesday as well as babysitting. Since I won't be gone long on Wednesday, I am driving myself. Thursday, I am also probably riding with Meredith again as well as starting two more pet sitting gigs. Friday, I am babysitting for one of my neighbors.

MudLynn Update… MudLynn is doing great. She enjoys sleeping on my recliner for the most part. She is always snoozing. I just entered her and I in a giveaway.

College Update… My goodness! Classes are nearly over! I just got my last major English grade which was for my Critical Response page and I got a 92% on it! That boosted my overall class grade to a 92%! Another A! And you already know that I was exempt from my Math final since I have an A in the class. I don't know the final grade of my computer or public speaking classes though.

Riding Update… My lesson got cancelled today since the horse I was going to ride is lame, but I am riding Thursday!

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