Saturday, April 11, 2015

Blogging from A to Z April (2015) Challenge: Day 10: Letter J

J is for Journalism, my major! I am still waiting to take some of my classes. The major is just so competitive when it comes to some of the classes. They become full before I am able to get into the class. It makes me sad, but I’m just low on the credit totem pole. I will have to wait until the fall of this year to start more of my major classes. I am truly excited because I will learn more about writing. Writing on this blog is practice for me because I practice writing and proof reading. I just love to write and I am pursuing my passion.


  1. That is a great field to be in! Hopefully you'll eventually get the classes you need or want to take.


  2. Using your blog to practice is a very good thing - and I think it's important for journalism majors to know their way around blogging and social media, too.


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