Monday, June 22, 2015

A Day or Maybe Week in the Life of a Wrangler at Girl Scout Camp: Week 1

Girl Scout Camp is going great so far. I got welcomed by the riding director Arrow, who is awesome! She is very funny! She made each of the wranglers a clip board with a camp survival pack. This was a smart little pack, it includes: hair ties, hand sanitizer, chapstick, candy, makeup wipes, gel pens, and a horseshoe charm for our penny necklace.

We had a little adventure to Yelm to pick up the mini horse, Jelly, to bring to camp. She is an absolute doll and very sassy! It makes me want to get a mini horse now. I used to drive one, but I never showed them. However, I would love to get into that again. We also got to meet a new baby who was a month old. His name was Wizard and his daddy is a gorgeous Friesian. 

I got a new book for the summer! Can I hear an applause? The book is by Tanya Biank who also wrote Army Wives, which is the base of the tv show Army Wives on Lifetime TV. Undaunted is about the strong women who are leaders in our military today. I've decided to read more books about the military since I am a Navy brat and I want to learn more. I was very into my government class in high school where we watched many military films.

I've grown very close to the horses already. I mean, when do I not get close to them?! I have fallen in love with a gorgeous 9 yr old grulla mare (pictured on the left) who is name Fiona. She is so much fun. Since she is a draft cross, she is very baroque in my opinion. Her canter reminds me of a war horse. She would fit into a medieval fair as a jousting horse and/or in a costume class. 

We did a lot of shopping for the horses this weekend. We bought salt blocks because the horses need their minerals. It is vital. Today, we have also been putting hoof moisturizer on their hooves to add moisture (obviously). They will definitely need it when it is 100 degrees at Horse Haven.

Stay tuned for more!

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