Saturday, June 13, 2015

San Andreas Review and Thoughts

Oh gosh, I do not know where to begin on this movie. Honestly, it was a fascination and horrification for me. The way the movie was made and the whole natural disaster just blew me away with fascination. The special effects were incredible, plus it was in 3D so it was way cooler. I've been in love with the whole film industry since I had the chance of being an extra when a tv show pilot was being filmed in my area. This movie did have me on the edge of my seat or biting my nails, it is that suspenseful and intense. I loved it. The part that absolutely horrified me, well I shouldn't say horrified; I mean scared, was that this could actually happen in our lifetime. If you think about it, we have had earth quakes, tsunamis and many other natural disasters happen in the past or just recently. 

It also made me think about preparing for natural disasters. I have an emergency prep backpack that I bought at the start of my freshman year, but I need to make an emergency kit for MudLynn since she will be living in at the apartment with me in Bellingham in the fall. 

Even if there is no natural disaster approaching or happening, make a kit just in case so that it is easy to grab, throw in the car and hit the road.

For more information, go to,, and/or for more information on making a kit for your beloved pet(s).

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