Monday, October 28, 2013

Todays Lesson and future Ryan Minor Clinic

Hey guys! I had a lesson today after the two week break when I had family visiting. Hercules was bad/good/bad today. I went early so that I could practice a bit of braiding on Hercules tail, sadly I didn't get a picture of his tail. I had to take the braid out because he was very fidgety with the braid in; I don't think he liked it. I think it was because I braided it a bit tightly. So before Kitchie got there, I hopped off and took the braid out. It came out really good though, I only did it halfway instead of a full french braid on the tail. 

As I was riding today, Kitchie was complimenting me a bit on how graceful and elegant I look when I am riding. I love when I get compliments like that from my instructors. It makes me feel proud of all the hard work I have been doing throughout my lessons. And it encourages me to work even harder.

We focused the majority of my lesson on my posture, poise (same meaning, but whatever), transitions and flatwork. We are definitely improving. Our transition from the walk to the canter has improved, I just need to prep him for it by taking up on the reins, half halt with the inside rein and gently kick and squeeze with the outside leg. And it worked, he picked it up a minute or two after I signaled him what I wanted. The sitting trot has become more fluid and graceful, my hips now move with his gait. Our jumping was great today! We had no refusals, but he was a bit too quick when coming home over the jumps. He took the jumps like a super star! He did jump it mainly at a trot at the end so that he knew I was in control. My arms hurt so much from half halting but it's a good pain. 

Just to clear up on my jumping, I jump up to 2'6", I know it's small, but I like to start small in order to gain more confidence on my jumping. I hope to jump 3' with Kitchie one day. 

Next weekend, I am going to be attending a Ryan Minor clinic at the barn. Ryan Minor was the clinic demo rider for George Morris and has also ridden for Beezie Madden. I am so excited for this weekend! The clinic is this Saturday and Sunday! I think I might be riding Hercules but Ryan might put me on someone else. I don't know, but I am so happy I have the opportunity to ride in a clinic where the clinician has worked with George Morris and Beezie Madden. Like that is truly an honor.

Kitchie said that Ryan would be pretty impressed with my riding, so we shall see what he thinks. She actually asked if I danced but I told her no and she was really surprised. I did take a dance class when I was little. I took ballet for one year I believe. I just told her it's my German genes coming out to play in the ring. I think it is because when I look at the Germans work with their horses. They have such passion and love for horses and the sport. I really do think my love and passion for horses come from my moms side of the family, which is German/English. 

I shall bid you all a good night!

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