Tuesday, November 5, 2013

To Show or Not to Show....

Hey guys! So I have thought long and hard about next spring show season and I have decided not to show. It's costs way too much for me. It's like $300 a weekend and I just don't have that money. As much as I would like to show, I am deciding not to. I shouldn't complain because others spend a great deal more on shows, but I am just not that well, to put it bluntly, rich. I am so busy with school right now, the only type of job I can get is the random babysitting job. I am going to start saving my money for IHSA Team shows which is what I really want to do. Also I need to start saving up for a car. I'll still be doing my riding lessons so that I can maintain my riding time, but as for shows, I won't be able to do those. This also means I am not getting a new saddle, bridle or martingale. I don't need those until I actually own a horse of my own.

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