Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Greetings Mortals

Sorry about my title, I couldn't resist doing in since I watched The Avengers last night. I just got back from the gym this morning and let me tell you, I feel so energized. I went on the bike again but I did it for 40 minutes then my friends (gym buddy) Hannah and I went into the sauna which felt really nice. So now I am back at home blogging to you guys. :)

I've decided that I would start reading again because I hardly ever read anymore, I am always glued to my computer and anything else technological. So I am finishing off The Fiery Cross by Diana Gabaldon. Did you guys know that the Outlander series are being made into a series? I am so excited! The actor that is playing Jamie really looks like the Jamie that I pictured in my mind! My friend Katie from Rhode Island is just as excited as I am! She hooked me onto the books so I have to thank her for that. I love books that have a Scottish influence since I am partly Scottish; Buchanan. My aunt and uncle got married in Scotland, so that makes want to get married in Scotland too. I just love England and anything else European. I long to go back to England, I just wish it wasn't so expensive. 

I have been starting to think of New Years Resolutions already. I have quite a few now.

1. I want to eat healthier starting in the New Year, like eat a lot of vegetables, proteins, and fruits. I want to develop a better diet for myself.

2. Since I have been going to the gym, I will keep doing that. But I want to schedule an appointment with a fitness instructor so that he can help me set up a work out plan.

3. I do want to keep riding, but I want to get better than I have been this year. I sort of want to jump a bit higher, also I want to improve on my jumping with Hercules.  

4. Since I am looking for a job, I am trying to not touch my savings account for any reason. Well I just want to try and not spend any money right now.

5. Also, I do act a bit immature at some times, I'd like to start acting my age next since I will be turning 20 next year. I want to act like an adult, a mature adult. 

So today, I went by one of my neighbors house to drop off a gift for their two young girls. I have been babysitting these two girls for a while now and they are the cutest girls I have known. They both love Disney princesses so I bought each of them a Disney princess wand and some British chocolate from the English Store. The girls are so sweet; they came by on Thanksgiving and gave me a sweet card that they made me. I just wanted to give something to them for being such sweet girls.

Merry Christmas!!

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