Saturday, December 28, 2013

Thor: The Dark World Review

Five Star Film

The film was incredible everyone. Its quality was utter perfection, it really wasn't what I was expecting; it was a great deal more! In the beginning when Thor brought Jane to Asgard, Odin spoke to Jane with such an egotistic aura. I believe that his ego was because he was king of Asgard, no offense to Odin. But as the film progressed, I found the character I was looking forward to seeing; Loki. I swear, Loki is so cheeky, it drives me crazy. I really do like the bad boys in films. Tom Hiddleston did a fantastic job as Loki, but he never fails at playing Loki. From my perspective, it comes naturally to him. 

There were at least three scenes in Thor: The Dark World that really affected me. One of them was the funeral scene of Frigga and the other fallen Asgardians who fell during the battle against the Dark Elves. It was extremely emotional because you're watching her drift in a barge in her funeral garbs and then Odin signals an archer to light the barge on fire. The part that made me extremely emotional was when the family members of fallen Asgardians released what seemed to me was a star into the sky. The next scene was when Loki "died" fighting with Algrim/Kurse. My heart literally shattered thinking that Loki was gone for good. The last scene that affected me was the ending where Odin turned into Loki, which Loki was in disguise as Odin. I felt so much better knowing that he was alive. I wonder if Loki will have a film of his own where it shows Sigyn. 

There were many aspects of the films production that left me awestruck. The costumes were amazing, such intricate work on the gowns of Frigga, Jane, and the other Asgardian women. Another was the background, it was real; as though we were seeing it in person. The makeup of the Dark Elves was also impressive. I am so familiar with the process since I watched Face Off, I knew what had to go into the process. The artists did a fantastic job.

Sigyn in Norse mythology is the wife of Loki. Online it mentioned that Sigyn has reddish brown hair, but I believe that she would look amazing with darker hair, hair color similar to mine which is a dark brown. When put next to Loki, they would show the darkness of their characters aloud. I have found a new fascination with Norse Mythology. I am definitely going to purchase a Kindle book on Norse Mythology. 

I really do hope there will be a next Thor, fingers crossed.

Photo Credits: Google Images

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