Tuesday, January 14, 2014


I hope everyone is having a good day today! My day is going pretty good. I just got back from talking to a neighbor about pet sitting for her. Her dogs are absolutely adorable! I want to steal them! Anyways, I'm finally starting to feel a bit better since I have been taking doses of DayQuil and NyQuil along with the intake of orange juice and water. I've made three codes to tell if I am getting sick or am sick.
  • Code Red is the beginning symptoms of getting sick with a cold. Symptoms such as a runny nose or scratchy throat. That was all afternoon yesterday.
  • Code Grey is when I feel more sick. Symptoms would be a bad scratchy throat, congestion, lose of appetite and some lethargy. This was basically all day today.
  • Code Black is basically "I'm sick and miserable, don't bug me." This hasn't happened yet.
I have completely avoided Code Black, I'm in between Code Grey and Code Red at the moment. I can finally breathe easily through my nose but I still have times where I need to blow my nose. I am probably going to finish my mum's jug of Mango-Orange Juice. I've had about three or four glasses so far. Although I have lost my appetite, I did have some Ramen Noodles in Chicken Stock. Very delicious might I add. 

To be honest, I feel a bit like Raj from Big Bang Theory when he sneezed on Sheldon because he started drinking NyQuil or DayQuil through a flask when he was at work. The reason why I feel like Raj is because I have been taking many doses of NyQuil and DayQuil since yesterday. So far I've had two DayQuils and two NyQuils. 

This is absolutely terrible because last semester and over break I did not get sick at all! And now, I am getting sick! I can't get sick because I have babysitting, pet sitting, university, and maybe a future job. I'm trying to avoid getting sick at all costs. 

I've only gone outside once today and that was only to see my neighbor about pet sitting. I am actually going to start eating an apple everyday because one of my mum's friends swears by it. Her kids eat an apple everyday and they haven't gotten sick at all. I ate one last night and I am going to have one tonight before I go to bed. 

Right now, since I am feeling a bit under the weather I've been doing my a great majority of my homework. I have finished my reading for Public Speaking, nearly finished my homework problems for Math but I need help with one when my dad gets home, and now I am slowly working on my English Comp homework which is coming along very nicely. I love it when I have my homework done because then I don't need to worry about it later when I am in class. Being prepared is always a smart thing to do. 

I've been having a Black Adder marathon all morning. I am on Season 4 now! I love Rowan Atkinson. He is absolutely hilarious. I particularly love him as Mr. Bean and Johnny English. I have a dvd of his comedy show from when he was in Boston. My favourite part is his performance of Shakespeare. Very funny indeed because his knees would bang on the ground when he fell to his knees. 

Well toodle loo! :)

Photo Credit: Google Images

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