Monday, January 13, 2014

First Day of the Spring Semester

Hello everyone! Today I went back to university because the Spring Semester just started! Woohoo! Homework and papers to do! I had a great first day! I found all my classrooms easily since they are only in two buildings. 

My mom drops me off in the mornings because my first class starts at 8 in the morning. I went to my first class which was public speaking. It was a good day of introductory. My teacher is nice, she just got married over winter break. When she called my name for roll call, she actually pronounced it RIGHT! It usually takes someone about one or two tries to pronounce it correctly. I did get homework for that class, but it was just some reading. I am working on that right now actually.

My second class went great as well. The second class is a Math for Liberal Arts class since I am going to be transferring to a college on the West Coast. My teacher is very nice, but strict which is good when it comes to certain things such as cell phones being used in class. She also pronounced my last name CORRECTLY, you have no idea how happy I was. We went over the syllabus and such before we dove into the first part of the first section of the book. We talked about the difference between inductive and deductive reasoning. The subject is quite easy for me, however I did struggle on a question or two but I was able to figure it out. After that class ended, I headed out towards the Student Center; that has a cafe, game area and study area. 

I made my way over to the Student Center because a friend of mine from high school had a break about the same amount of time as I did. So we got to hang out and catch up on things since we haven't seen each other since the end of high school. It was a good down time between my second class and my last class. My friend said something I found very interesting. He said that he can see me hosting my own talk show or being on Fashion Police of E! I found this absolutely amazing because those are two dreams of mine in the future. We also talked about how I have a crush on Tom Hiddleston, hehe. 

When time of my free time ended, my friend walked me over to my class because hey, that's what friends do. He and I might be hanging out with another friend of ours from high school this weekend. I headed into my last class which was English Composition. My professor is pretty cool. The only thing that made me feel down was that my throat was starting to feel sore. However for the roll, we had to write our name, college email and an animal that we wanted to be. I put Tiger down for mine because I find Tigers absolutely fascinating, especially the White Tiger and the Bengal Tiger. After that class ended, it was time to head to the mall to meet up with Mum.

Now, here is where the fun begins. I left my last class and headed to the mall for a few reasons. I had to go to MICHAEL KORS to check on my application, check if they had the boots I wanted, return a textbook I didn't need and find the one I needed, and to also try on the MK boots I was in love with at Dillard's. 
I went to MICHAEL KORS and asked for assistance to see if they could give me any news about my application. I talked to a sales associate and the assistant manager. The assistant manager said she liked my Barbour coat. This coat has been getting a lot of attention. The sales associate said that she would put my application on tope of the applications with a sticky note that said I came in asking about my application. Hopefully I will hear something soon. By the way, I dressed up a bit more so that my dress code could be noticed by the staff. Dressing good helps make a good impression. After that, I looked to see if they had the black MK boots I was looking at, but they only had it in brown/black and luggage. I then headed to Barnes and Noble to meet up with my mum. Let me tell you, I was walking pretty fast, say walking like the Flash. Once I got to Barnes and Noble, I was a bit hot since my coat was also making me feel hot. My mum said she returned the book I had previously rented, but the book I needed was out of stock. The sales associate recommended the book store across from the mall which we added to our list of places to go. Once we finished there, we went to Dillard's to see if they had the boots in my size. Sadly they didn't but I tried on a size 7 which ended up fitting very well. We didn't purchase them because my mum and I are still thinking about it. 

We went to the car thinking we were going home, but then my mum and I decided to check out the Textbook Brokers store to see if they had the textbook I needed. My mum dropped me off and I went in to see while she found a place to park. When it was my turn, things got a bit flirty or at least I think they did. The guy operating the register I was at was being very cheeky with me. He was saying stuff about Rhode Island not being a state because it was so small and that Virginia Beach is the same size and Rhode Island. I looked that up and Virginia Beach can fit in Rhode Island at least two and half times, so he was very wrong. He was quite cute actually, but I am not getting involved with boys at the moment because of university and also it being my last semester here before we moved to the West Coast. Although he did save my life since they had the book I needed.

I just finished my math homework and I am working on my public speaking reading and then later on my English Comp. homework. At the moment, I am sucking on Halls, drinking water, bundled like an eskimo, wearing some fuzzy slippers, and taking doses of DayQuil and NyQuil since my throat is feeling sore. I refuse to get sick! I had such a good streak last semester and over winter break. 
I refuse.

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