Sunday, January 12, 2014

My Life and My Ways

I was having a think while I was reading my book "Ooh La La: French Women's Secrets to Feeling Beautiful Every Day", I started thinking about the goals I've set for myself and what kind of future I wanted. I do like doing my homework and such on my own and figuring out ways to get closer to things. I always set three types of goals: short term, mid term, and long term. 

I love being single. It gives me the freedom to focus on myself, my grades at university, and time to think on what I want to be in the future rather than forcing me to give my full attention to a guy if I was in a relationship. Although, during my sophomore year of high school, I used being able to see my boyfriend as a reward for me to finish my work and to get good grades because if I didn't achieve the two, I wouldn't have been able to see him after school or on the weekends. I worked so hard last semester, and my hard work ended up with my name being on the Dean's List (I got straight A's) as my reward. That is a short term goal for me for this semester. I want to achieve the A's I need in order for me to be accepted into Western Washington when I transfer. I've also been focusing on my riding skills during my riding lessons which are now on Thursdays. I want my skills to be utter perfection for when I try out for the riding team at Western Washington University. 

Hercules and I
My mid term goals or really one of them is to revamp my wardrobe into a more classy version. Straight dress pants, classy blazers, chic pencil skirts, maybe one a Burberry trench coat, and a few gorgeous pea coats. I want my image to look more my age, or maybe a bit older. Another one of my mid term goals is to find a good paying job. I just dropped off an application at the MICHAEL KORS store at the local shopping mall. Tomorrow after my classes, I am going to go by and ask about my application.  I've already planned my outfit for tomorrow. I do love dressing up a bit more in order to look a certain part. It would be a dream come true if I got the job at MICHAEL KORS because the designer brand is one the I love very much. I own a few items of the brand; one being my new treasured Selma bag.

I adore the entertainment industry. I've always wanted to be apart of it. This is one of my long term goals for my life. I want to one be a news reporter for E! Network on the Red Carpet at the Golden Globes or the Tony Awards. I'd like to have a nice piece of property with room for me to stable a horse  or two and to also have a nice car such as a Range Rover. I want to major in journalism with a possible minor in theatre at Western Washington. I also want to be apart of a choir at Western Washington as well as many clubs as I can manage. I'd like to have a very eclectic resume for when I apply to internships and future jobs. The more eclectic my resume, the more job opportunities I would be in reach of. 

With determination, hard work, goal setting, and dedication I can and will achieve these goals I have set for myself and become who I long to be. A news reporter with E! Network. 

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