Sunday, March 16, 2014

School Tip #5


Alright, guys here we go! So say you get homework and your professors tells you to omit say step c. For me, I sometimes cannot skip a step especially in math. It throws off my groove (Haha, an Emperors New Groove quote!). It's better to know how to do it. So when your teacher says to skip a step, try to figure it out. It's better to know how to do something early rather than be confused later. That way you can be ahead of some of your classmates. 

Story time! When I was in Algebra 2 with lab (which was an everyday math class), I had somewhat of an advantage. I caught on very quickly to how to do the formulas and problems. Plus I got done with my work earlier than my classmates. Basically, me and two of my friends who were probably the top three who caught on like me got to work in the hallway. That was like a reward for how hard we worked. I think our teacher liked us the most. Anyway, my teacher really liked me because of my work ethic and also how I helped my other classmates when she and her assistant teacher were busy helping others. It's good to know a step before you learned it because then you won't be worried about it and you can help others because you know the step already.


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