Monday, March 24, 2014

The Three L's

I like Newfoundlands, you know the Newfoundland Dog. Not the country, I haven't been there yet! I just like how they look like big teddy bears. That is one of my dreams dogs to own after college. Unless I find one before college or during college. I particularly like the Landseer colored Newfoundlands. They are so pretty, the black and white pattern.  

I love Thin Mints. They are minty chocolaty goodness in my freezer. I just bought to boxes on Saturday and one is nearly gone already. This is why I don't buy Girl Scout cookies. I demolish them in an hour and then they are gone. Eh, I love them all the same. 

I loathe a few things so this one may be a bit long.

Right now, I am loathing the weather. The temperature went from 72 degrees on Saturday, to 46 yesterday and now 36 today. AND it is supposed to snow tomorrow! I am so over winter it is not even funny. I'd like to have some spring and warmth please. I like riding in the outdoor arena when it is nice and warm.

Also, I really loathe people when they ask if I did the homework. Hello? Really? The only reason they ask me is because they want to see my notebook. I don't mean to sound like a b*tch, but do your own work and leave me alone. I will not let you see my notebook. A. I don't know you. And B. I am not giving you my notebook. Ask the teacher if you need help. 

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