Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Universities Should Allow Pet-Friendly Dorms

This is just my point of view on this subject. I haven't done any research but after I post this I will and then I'll post what I've found for you guys to read as well! :) This does apply to cats, but I don't go into much detail as I do with the dogs. #DogLover

Universities should become more animal friendly. If not in the dorm, then at least in the common areas where people like to study when they weather is perfect. These areas would have dog waste bags provided to encourage people to keep the common area clean and lovely for others to use. 

I think the privilege of having a pet in a pet-friendly specified dorm helps de-stress students. It does when you're at home with your pet. This way, you have a good excuse to get up from a study session to take the dog out for a walk rather than going out somewhere as a bad excuse. The dogs provide a homely element to the dorm life. At least it is better than a fish.

When it comes to the type/size of the dog, it just can't be a dog as big as a Great Dane. The dog has to be the other sizes under a Danes height. That way, they don't take a lot of room in the dorm room. Another rule is that they must be friendly with other dogs. Also, they can't be younger than a year old. We don't know if they would damage the dorm room.

The college then would decide a pet fee for those students who wish to bring their furry loved one with them. From my point of view, I would say that the fee would be at least $150 per semester. This could cover say damaged blinds or damage to walls from scratching or chewing them. Also, the college could establish a small dog park near each dorm room in order for students to allow their dogs to run in an area that is fully fenced in with operating doggy style water fountains and poop bag stations. This way, if the park isn't clean, the park becomes locked. This will also encourage students to clean up after pets. I mean, who wants to step in dog poo?

For the dorm, the students would have to supply their own things for their pets. These items would be dog bowls, bed, blanket, lint rollers, food, vet records, identification tags (rabies, microchip, pet state ID, and a contact tag), crate (if crate trained),  some toys such as chewy bones and tennis balls, collar (obviously) and at least 2-3 leashes (extras in case of emergencies). Students would also be required to submit a pet resume and undergo a incoming student and pet appointment with the residence hall manager and his/her pet in order to know that the pets are friendly with one another. 

Overall, I hope universities across the states establish pet-friendly dorms for their students. :)

Sorry about the photo overload of my dog. I needed an example. :)

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