Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Week Ahead

Outside my window… It is wet and icky. It's been raining nearly all day and it is supposed to continue for two more days.

I am thinking… About what I need to do and save in order to live in New York City.

I am thankful… That I am getting more baby sitting and pet sitting clients. More money for my savings account. I already have a new client meeting on Thursday.

From the kitchen… Salt and Vinegar chips splurge and a bottle of water.

I am hearing… The clicking of keys as my fingers type on my Macbook and Netflix playing Some Like It Hot.

I am watching… Some Like It Hot. I love classic black and white films while actresses like Marilyn Monroe.

Always one of my favorite things… I love looking at apartments for sale in New York City in the Upper East Side.
I am reading… I'm reading the Ultimate Cheapskate Next Door. A lot of good money saving tips. It is really for a project in one of my classes but I bought it for myself as well.

I am making… An essay for English and outline for Public Speaking.

I am writing… This blog post, public speaking outline and my essay!

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week… I have school on Wednesday as well as babysitting. I am meeting with a new client on Thursday as well as going to the Little Black Dress event with my mum. Friday, I am starting a pet sitting job at my neighbors and also sitting for my neighbor who I am going to be pet sitting for next month. She and I are just doing test sitting with her puppy to make sure he gets used to me being around.

MudLynn Update… MudLynn is doing great. She enjoys sleeping on my recliner for the most part. She is always snoozing. 

College Update… My goodness, classes are almost over. I am already exempt from my math final. I have a 94% in that class. All I have left to do is an essay for English and a project for Public Speaking.

Riding Update… I rode last week! Rugby and I did good jumping. He was very energetic, like extremely! He bucked once or twice and kicked out since my leg was a bit too strong.  When we were jumping, he soared over! Sadly that was my last lesson at Princess Anne, but after this week I will be riding at Hawkesbury Farm.

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