Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I'm Back!!! Computer-wise

Hello everyone! If you take notice to this blog post, then you have noticed that the format of the posts are back to normal. Why you may ask? Because I have a computer again! I now have a ASUS 502 laptop. I have to send my MacBook Pro back in for repairs since it wouldn't function when I pressed the power button.
Anyway, I am super busy with school and classes it is crazy. I have been doing my homework. Shout out to all the cool kids! I just turned in my first paper to my SMNR class today. I turn in another assignment tonight once I tweak it some more. I tend to do a lot of tweaking to papers and assignments. I read my paper for SMNR about 5 times before printing.
Hope you are all having a great night! I am off to Warm Cookie Night at the VU on campus.

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