Friday, September 12, 2014

Movie of the Day

I'm a huge Austen fan. Jane Austen was just a phenomenal author. when her books came to life, they were truly treasures in my heart.

Today's movie is Pride and Prejudice. The costumes in this film are exquisetly made with the finest detail. It makes me want to purchase my own off of Etsy (where the crafters go). I found some lovely Regency gowns there. It's amazing what people can do. 

The message of the film to me is that true love conquers the rules of society like the ones during the Regency Era; when young bachelors if high status were expected to marry ladies of their same status. 

If I were a Bennett, I would want Mr. Bingley instead of Mr. Darcy. Mr. Bingley is my type of dream boyfriend/husband. Always cheerful and keen to meet others. I like a man that enjoys to socialize with others. I don't understand the whole infatuation girls have with Mr. Darcy, he seems so cold.

Anyway, Regency is one of my many favorite fashion eras in the history of fashion. 

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