Friday, December 26, 2014

The Strike of Grown-Up Reality

I have come to the conclusion that if I am to reach the goals of my life, then I must change a few things.

First, I must practice an eccentric level of personal hygiene. This level includes proper care of the teeth by flossing, brushing, mouth washing and whitening of the teeth to bring them to perfect shine. It includes the proper care of the skin; this is washing twice a day, moisturizing, masking and maintenance of any blemishes. For the hair, it is the use of shampoo, conditioner and masks to keep its shine and thickness.

Second, I must improve my personal fitness and diet. I will be starting by doing more yoga at the start of next year to increase my flexibility and improve my balance. For my diet, I will start at the beginning of the school year by preparing most of my meals with protein, vegetables and fruit. This way, I will be treating my body as the temple it should be.

Three, I must start acting more my age. I cannot keep acting like a silly girl anymore, it's not attractive. I must also stop swearing (yes, I do swear on occasion). I need to maintain my etiquette, confidence and standards. I will do this because it will be useful once I am out of college because it will secure ties in the business world.

Four, I will start looking for clothes that flatter my body. By wearing unflattering clothes, it can make the body look different in the bad way. By wearing the flattering pieces, I will emphasize my good features such as my hips and legs. This also means that I must shop at stores like Zara, Topshop, HM, J. Crew and Nordstrom.

Five, I must maintain a well educated brain. This is for getting straight A's in college courses in order for me to be at the top of my class. This means I must set strict hours for studying, introduce good study habits, and constantly quiz myself in my courses as well as setting up study groups. I must also take use of the teaching assistant's (TA's) hours. I was able to finish Fall Quarter at Western with an A, 2 A-'s and a B, which left me with a 3.56 GPA.

And Six, I must teach myself to be smarter with money. This is where I can start a rainy day jar (already done) and force myself to deposit every check into my savings to build up my dividend, I must also attach a photo of the thing I want most in my wallet to keep me on my path.

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