Tuesday, March 24, 2015

I'm the I in Unique

I was pondering in thought as I was working on cross stitch project, thinking about how different I am from my young adults around my age.

Let's see, I find pleasure in doing crafty things like knitting, cross stitching and beading. I mean, I only know three other girls that knit, so that's pretty unique. I like doing crafty things rather than things most young adults do today. I'm working on a new cross stitch project of a pair of horses and I've only started it yesterday and I'm almost finished with the first horse. 

I was involved in 4-H for 5 years. "4-H is the nation’s largest positive youth development and youth mentoring organization, empowering six million young people in the U.S.In partnership with 110 universities, 4-H life changing programs are research-backed & available through 4-H clubs, camps, after school & school enrichment programs in every county & parish in the U.S" (4-H). When I mention 4-H to some of my friends at college, they respond "What's that?" and I have to explain it to them. It saddens me that some do not know about 4-H. I've known fellow 4-Hers that have been involved since they were 5 years old. I've developed better public speaking skills, horse knowledge, and community service skills from being in 4-H. Along with developing skills, I was able to train and show three horses (one horse per year) and develop incredible bonds and show their talent to the judges we encountered at each show.

I am a Navy brat. When I changed schools for my senior year, a couple of the kids in my classes thought it was cool that I was a Navy brat. It is cool to be a Navy brat because I was able to live in different states, however not overseas. Since we've lived in a few states, my parents and I have been able to visit some of the presidential homes like Abraham Lincoln's Springfield Home, Mount Vernon, and Monticello. I've also been to other historical places like Colonial Williamsburg, Yorktown, and the Jamestown Settlement.

You know me, I always find a horse.
I am a third generation on my dad's side. Can you see the resemblance between my dad and grandfather? Both are leaning and have their hands in their pockets. I'm pretty sure my hands are acting as though I have invisible pockets... Odd.

So you see, those are the four facts that make me unique in today's society. Everyone is different and always have a few unique facts about themselves.


  1. Surprised to learn you don't know many who knit, it's become sooooo popular. The days of it being a grandma thing are long gone. I used to x-stitch, but somehow just got away from it. I knit and crochet and have taught many how to. I'm 5th generation on my Dad's side but like 14th on my Mom's side. Always fun to meet more bloggers, out visiting today through a-z, though I do need to write about 9 more posts, am chipping away at the alphabet.

    1. I learned to knit from one of my mom's coworker's daughter. I'm almost done with my a-z posts, just 4 more to do!


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