Saturday, April 18, 2015

Blogging from A to Z April (2015) Challenge: Day 16: Letter P

This is an interesting topic. Since I am a New England Patriots fan here in Washington, I’m basically the odd duck out and I’m somewhat on enemy turf.  But you know what, I grew up in New England (mainly the high school years) and I’m proud to represent the Patriots even in a swarm of Seahawks. I’m actually not the only Patriots fan on campus, I’ve seen two people with Pats gear and one of my friends is a Pats fan. I own a Pats jersey and a set of Patriots candy cane ornaments for my future home’s Christmas tree.


  1. It is good to have that spirit of competition and competiteness between teams and rivals at your school; good nature fun I am sure!


  2. My sister is a grad at MSU and her husband from University of Michigan. So there is usually good conflict in a sporting kind of way.

    Stephen Tremp
    A-Z Co-host
    P is for Paranormal Vs. Supernatural

  3. Well, being on "enemy turf" isn't all bad - if they were all Seahawks fans, who could they talk smack to? :) They should be very glad of your company.

    1. I tend to get a lot crap from the guys below my floor cause they're die hard Seahawks fans.


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