Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Blogging from A to Z April (2015) Challenge: Day 19: Letter S

Starbucks is my one and only go to place for my favorite drink, Caramel Apple Spice. It’s the perfect on the cold days of winter and cool days of spring. Starbucks is one of the ways I keep myself awake in class, even if my drink is not caffeinated. It’s something for me to sip on throughout my fifty-minute classes. I now own two different Starbucks cups and I have a Starbucks gold card. Starbucks is life. Who can’t live without Starbucks? My mom has about three Starbucks cup ornaments. Our Christmas tree is that cool and amazing.    


  1. I don't go to Starbucks because I don't like coffee, but that Carmel Apple Spice sounds delicious! I might have to try it! Is it a seasonal thing or do they have it year round?

    1. It's not a seasonal drink, it is always available. Some Starbucks sites call it the Caramel Apple Cider. It's very good, you won't be disappointed.

  2. Hello there.
    A warm welcome to the Coffee Snobs Club! lol
    Thanks for sharing & enjoy the coffee/challenge!

    Entrepreneurial Goddess

  3. How cool with the Starbuck ornaments on the tree :) When we lived in California, I "swore" there was a Starbucks on every corner. Not as many here where we live in Arizona, but still enough to get a "fix" when one needs to :)



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