Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Blogging from A to Z April (2015) Challenge: Day 6: Letter F

I miss real food :(
I don’t know where to start on food. Food at college is my issue. I have a habit of eating only fries. It’s sad. I need to eat healthier at college by eating fruit and lots of protein. It’s difficult to find something to eat at the dining hall when you’re already a picky eater. I try so hard to try things that look good, but I don’t always finish when I start eating. I did really well Fall Quarter but Spring Quarter was bad. I was really unhealthy. All I ate was French fries, cookies, and cereal. I think I had one real meal all quarter.


  1. Sophia, I hope you will start eating better because your health depends on it! Glad you are earning a degree in news editorial journalism. That sounds like a wonderful major!

    1. Don't worry I am! I've been eating a healthier breakfast and somewhat stopped eating Panda for lunch. I've a ton of fruit in my refrigerator.

  2. Real food = Mom's food (or Mom's recipes when you're in your own place! Stay away from les frites!

  3. Such a cute dog :) Good picture with you and him/her? It has to be hard to find things to eat especially if you are on a busy schedule with college that could be healthy.


  4. That's kind of disgusting. ;) I think I survived one whole semester of law school on pizza. (And I didn't have "dorm life" as an excuse - I was MARRIED and living at home!) When I say "pizza" I mean a whole medium pizza all to myself for dinner. (It's amazing I didn't become fat; my metabolism at the time must've been a monster.) Now you have me wanting fries for breakfast.

    I think the key to healthy eating is planning. And you're right, cafeteria meals vary from college to college, but surely there are a few healthy choices even a picky eater could manage? If only to work in some vitamins? My son had a kitchenette at his dorm (not that he used it); I don't suppose shopping and cooking for yourself is an option?

    1. It's rather difficult for me to cook for myself because we only have a kitchen in the building that everyone can use and there is always someone in there, plus we have to check out pots and pans from the front desk. I am trying to eat things at the dining hall like a spinach salad or some meat for protein. I do take vitamins as well.


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