Sunday, April 5, 2015

Blogging from A to Z April (2015) Challenge: Day 5: Letter E

I have lived in Edens North for three quarters now. It has been an amazing experience. We’ve had Halloween, Christmas and other themed bashes in our lounge. I highly suggest living in the dorms the first year because you meet so many awesome people who become life long friends. I like living on the top floor even though that means climbing a lot of stairs, but it’s great exercise. It was quite the party moving into Edens North with those stairs. My dad and I were huffing and puffing we were so out of breath. I love this dorm and I am glad I lived in it.


  1. Climbing long flights of stairs to dorm rooms is not much fun. I remember doing it to the third floor. Good luck with your classes.

    1. I actually don't mind them sometimes, I think of them as a method of exercise.

  2. I have heard that it is good to live in the dorms for the first year of college. Looked like a nice building for yours!


    1. It has been awesome! We have floor wars coming up which will be even more fun!


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