Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Weekend Ahead

So I am starting this new post series called the Weekend Ahead where I will start telling you about what I did this weekend, but more in-depth. This past weekend we went to WSU for our show, I will have a follow-up post about the show later today!

On Friday, I had my last practice before our first show! Our first show is in Pullman, WA and it is being hosted by Washington State University (WSU). I am so excited to get back into showing, except this year I will be more proactive because I am the Hunt Seat assistant coach. I am very interested to see what horses WSU has at the show. WSU didn't have a hunt seat show last year, just a western one. We shall see what the weekend brings us!

I am very excited to see what this years show season will be like, I believe we will succeed and rise even higher than last year. We have so many new riders who have some amazing talent and skill.

The weekend consists of the show; Saturday being Hunt Seat and Sunday being Western. At the end of one of the show days I might be able to meet up with my friend Sunny who I worked with at St. Albans last year! I hope we are able to meet up, it would be awesome if we could catch up and everything.

Although I wish I could bring MudLynn to all the shows, but alas I cannot. She will be spending the
weekend at Kaveh's with Bruno most likely sleeping the hours away and eating her yummy dinner.

I'll miss her cuddles at night but I will only be gone for two and sooner than you know, I'll be back in Bellingham!

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