Saturday, July 29, 2017

Selfish Soul 30-Day Challenge: Day 5

Today was a good day. Took Mud to the vet to get her eye checked out and ended up leaving Petsmart with a new snail for Siracha's tank. I went to the mall and spent some time with Melissa P. and bought some dresses and jewels and swatched so many high lighters and lip sticks on my hand. My hand was covered!

I then went over to hang out with Courtney who was pet sitting/house sitting. The house that she is staying at is house goals for me. A nice big yard, a little zen pond, an amazing window in the front room! Ugh, dreams. The people she is house/pet sitting for said she could have friends over, so I went and hot tubbed the day away, then I made adobo for everyone at my place!

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