Wednesday, October 18, 2017


You know what is frustrating for me right now? The whole game plan I made this summer was dumped out the window the minute I started Fall quarter. I'm not graduating till the end of next quarter, I won't be working as a para until next year and my life is just not where I want it to be including how it's gotten to where it is now.

I know I should focus on the positives as well as be grateful for the positive things in my life, but I'm just that kind of person that focuses on the negative a lot. And that isn't a good thing to do. I guess what I should say is that I'm not happy or satisfied of where I am in my life right now.

Earlier this year, I had my game plan and everything was how I wanted it to be, it was perfect. And then this summer happened (even though camp was a positive, it was also a negative for me).  Don't you just ever wish you could change things in your life? I really do right now and have been since the summer.

But I'm trying to be happy again, I really am. I'm having friends over more, making plans for the weekend, focusing on school, going out more with friends, spending time with my roommate, becoming more creative (painting, knitting, and such), and adventuring out of my comfort zone more. But to me that's just being busy, it's not necessarily being happy as a whole. I just still feel that I need to keep myself busy when I just want to bum it in sweats and watch I Love Lucy on Prime.

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