Monday, October 9, 2017

Why Dogs Make You A Better Person

Have you ever noticed how you were as a person before you got your dog? Yeah, I can too. I was kind of a pain in the butt and when I got my dog, she made me change habits into good habits. Since I've had my dog, I've noticed that I am a more caring person towards people. I'm the kind of person that is like "Do you need anything?", "Are you okay?", or me just offering them food all the time. My dog is old, so I'm more conscious of how I spend my time and my money. Most Friday nights, I don't go out; it's more of the occassional Friday I do go out.

Whenever my dog looks at me when I'm getting ready, I feel like she is judging me with her eyes saying "Are you seriously going to go out tonight and leave me alone?" That's when I change my mind and decide to stay home and watch Netflix and knit.

Honestly, I love staying in on the weekend and on Friday nights with my dog. It's better than waking up with a hangover.

Like how could you leave this cute face?

Overall, I've noticed with some of my friends who had dogs with them last year who now don't have them that they are completely different people. Dogs really ground you and make you think about your life in a more serious way. My friend who no longer has their dog with them really changed and it saddened me in my heart. I never want to turn into them.

Dogs make you caring, loving, time conscious, money conscious, humble, and all those other positive traits. Dogs are instantly stress relieving especially when you walk through the door from a rough day of work. They are the ones who love you unconditionally no matter what mistakes you make in your life. Dogs make you a better person in my opinion.

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