Thursday, November 16, 2017

My Minimalism Tips

There comes a time where we ask ourselves, "Do I have too much stuff?" And we usually know the answer to that question. Yes, I do.

Here are some tips that I have been doing to minimize my life and thought I'd share with you.

Tip #1: Turn all of your hangers backwards. 
This is a an awesome tip I found on Pinterest and I have applied it to my closet. It's fascinating to see what clothes I wear and what clothes I don't wear.  Either way, I did go through my closet and tossed out what clothes I didn't wear over the summer and what clothes I haven't worn for fall at all.

Tip #2: Go Room by Room.
Don't try to clean out every single space in your house, that is just too much for the brain to even handle.

Tip #3: If you're in college, always keep your backpack packed.
This helps you not forget things at home. I keep my books and notebooks in there. I always pack it the night before.

Tip #4: Save money by packing your own snacks for work and school.
I take fruits and almonds to my evening class which saves me about $6 every class day from going to Miller Market for food when I get hungry during our breaks.

Tip #5: Toss out any expired products.
I tossed out a couple oinments and such because A. I didn't use them and B. They were expired. No point in keeping something if it has both those attirubutes. Also, stop taking all the free hotel minis they provide, when are you actually going to use them?

Tip #6: Buy food you know you're going to eat.
I'm not gonna lie, I've bought food before and I never ate it. It sat on my shelf in my kitchen forever.

Tip #7: Avoid taking in plastic and paper grocery bags, use fabric ones!
Plastic takes a long long time to break down and is harmful to the environment and to our wildlife. By using reusable bags, we decreases the chances of a sea turtle eating a plastic bag thinking it is a jelly fish.

Tip #8: Learn to let go of things you've been holding onto.
Like seriously, will you ever wear that dress Aunt Hilda got you? Or use that bag that one of your ex-friends got you for your birthday? No. So donate it or sell it.

Tip #9: Buy something new, donate something you don't use or wear.
This helps keeps your closet neat and tidy and it also clears it of things you don't even wear anymore. The things I don't wear are either donated to Goodwill or sold to Buffalo Exchange and Label's.

Tip #10: Organization and labeling is key.
Everything in my house is organized so that I can find it. But there is also a lot of labeling in my house. I have tupperware labeled so that I know what is in what tupperware. It makes it so much easier to know that I haven't put 3 cups of baking soda in my baking instead of the flour.

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