Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Reasons Why I Want A Second Dog

I've been wanting to adopt/get a second dog for a while now. I want another wiggly butt to be greeted with and another doggo to cuddle with at night. I just want to lay in my bed while watching Netflix and have a dog on each side of me.

I can't remember who I was talking to, but it was someone who had an older dog and they said that by getting a second dog, it put more years on their older dog. When I pet sat on the Navy base, I would try to take MudLynn along with me, and she always got along with the other dogs.

However, one of my friends who wants to live with me and Haley in a house wants to get a dog, so that would be my alternative to a second dog until I could afford investing in a second dog. I already know what kind of dog. I either want to adopt a German Shorthaired Pointer or Doberman and get a puppy. I know a puppy is a lot of work, but I'm think of all the life that puppy would bring to MudLynn since she is getting older.

I take her to the dog park on the weekends and spend an hour there so that she can socialize with other dogs. She loves it cause she drools a lot, meaning she's enjoying her time at the time.  

I just love dogs and want to adopt as many as I can because dogs make life so much better and worth living with their wagging tails and smiles.

So we shall see how everything goes and I will keep

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