Friday, November 3, 2017

Snowvember in Bellingham

We got snow in November! It is beautiful. It started last nght and I think it is still snowing right now. Or it's the wind blowing snow off the trees, who knows.

You have no idea how excited I was when I found out it was snowing last night. I literally screamed like a child.

MudLynn was super excited about the snow this morning when I came back from my morning shift for Purple Friday. She was running around like a madman.

I know it is only November, but I so want to decorate for Christmas, but it's not socially acceptable to decorate for Christmas yet. It's acceptable to play Christmas music though, which is what I did in the car on the way to and from work. I was living the Christmas music. But like, all the stores have their Christmas things in so who cares.

Do you love the snow? Comment down below why you love the snow!

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