Sunday, November 12, 2017

Yes, I Put My Christmas Tree Up

I know, I know. It's only November 11th and Thanksgiving has passed, but I seriously couldn't resist putting up my Christmas tree and ornaments.

I pretty much did it cause I wanted to put it up since it had snowed that one day this month and also since I am hosting Friend's Christmas this year, so I really just want all the decorating done before the second weekend of December so that all I have to worry about is making food and such.

I took this on Saturday when I finished decorating my tree. MudLynn decided the tree skirt was her new bed. It was adorable so I had to snap a few shots. The one the left is my favorite cause she almost looks as though she is rolling her saying "Why is this up now? Wait, why am I complaining? It's my new bed." 

I have it all planned out. I'm going to get the rest of the decor on Black Friday and finish the decorating. Then I'm going to buy the easy groceries for the party and then a few days before the actual party, I'll get the groceries that don't keep well for more than a week.

I am so excited, you have no idea. I've also already started Christmas shopping for my friends, next up are my parents. Although, Mom already knows what I'm getting them cause she told me what to get them.

Friend's Christmas, I am ready for you!

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