Wednesday, November 8, 2017

MudLynn Went To School!

Do any of you have a dog that is stuck to you like velcro? The kind of dog tha gives you that look that says take me with you when you have to leave them at home so you can go to work or to school? MudLynn does all the time. She used to go to team meetings with me all the time, but since I am not on the team this year, she hasn't been able to come to campus very much. However, that all changed today. My ELL professor said I could bring MudLynn to class and I did! My classmates all loved her because she is a sweet dog to be around. She did fall asleep in class, silly pup.

I've actually figured out another career I could do and will most likely do. I'm looking into becoming a school counselor. WWU has a Masters of Education that specializes in school counseling. I'm going to talk it over with Mom and see what she thinks of this plan. I would also like to get MudLynn registered as a Pet Partners Therapy Dog. I could take her to campus during Dead Week for the animals in the library... She is a very loving dog and loves people. I've been trying to get her used to people and dogs by taking her to campus and to the dog park more often.

See you guys tomorrow!

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