Friday, January 12, 2018


I know we are in the second week of 2018 and I know I am very late. I wanted to share with you my goals for 2018.

I've made some changes to my life at the end of 2017; changes like going to Padden more with MudLynn, my employment, and just my view on life. I've gone from being a counselor of 28 children to a nanny of 2 great kiddos. I've also decided that I want to be less negative and more positive about things. I hastily go to the negative side of things when really I should be looking at the positives more in order to be happier.

So I've set some good and realistic New Year's Resolutions and they are: to eat healthy meals, to cook  meals at home, and to become better with money. They're pretty basic but they are things I truly need to continue working on. My last two goals are ones I want to work on when it comes to my passions and they are becoming more outdoorsy and going to the barn more often. Another goal is to also increase my friend group. I have met so many people through my jobs, the riding team and through other friends so I really want to be a more well-rounded friend.

I am very excited for what 2018 has in store for my life. I can't wait to see what adventures I go on and new places I'll see.

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