Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Jumps, Gymnastics and Falls

Guess what guys?! I had my lesson today! I rode a little white pony named Hercules! He was a bit dirty when I brought him out of his stall, but I managed to get him very very clean. So clean, you could eat of him, haha. I think he got his feet done today because I think that was the reason why he kept refusing the box wall jumps. So he was very tender. 

 He was a good boy apart from the refusals we had during the jumping part of the lesson. The refusals weren't very bad, I just sort of flew forward and clutched his neck. It must have looked very funny to see someone holding onto their horses neck rather than being in the saddle. I didn't get any photos of the falls sadly but I did get some of me jumping.

My instructor was very impressed with my riding today since I haven't been on a horse in a few months. She liked how loose I was when riding. I am so glad I am going to be riding every week on Mondays from now on!

We saw some of the barn dogs playing while we were waiting for my instructor. It was funny because they would bite each other in a funny way. Like their mouthes would be open all the way. They were so cute! I wanted to take one home. I think one was part pit bull-part lab. Such a cutie.

I am so sore now it's crazy. I need to start doing more strength exercises and some stretching to loosen up a bit more and to become stronger. I need to find some exercise to strengthen my lower leg for riding. So that is my goal for the rest of this week. 

I might actually be able to show this year in the VBHSA shows! I am going to watch one of them on Saturday so I get a feeling of what I'll be doing. Plus I'll be able to decide which class I'll be going into later on.

Me and Hercules

Some cute fall decorations


Listening to what the jump course is 
Going away

Mid air!


Coming home

Picture perfect!

Brush, brush, BRUSH!


Girth Tightening

Casually waiting

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