Monday, December 30, 2013

Very British British

Hello loves! Tonight, my parents and I had a very British dinner. We had fish, chips, mushy peas, chip butties with malt vinegar. It was so delicious! I'm usually never a fan of mushy peas, but I am truing to expand my food choices. 

Doesn't it look mouth watering!
I am an Anglophile like my mum. I really do love England, I am trying to eat many of the dishes from England. Other dishes I've eaten is Shepherds Pie, and Crumble (Raspberry and Apple). Along with things that are British, my family and I are very keen on British comedies and dramas such as The Good Life, To The Manor Born, and Downton Abbey. 

Another thing is that I have been to England a few times, plus Scotland once. I've spent Christmas in Kettlewell which was in Yorkshire and it was such fun. In 2016, my parents and I and hopefully my aunt and her family will be spending Christmas there again. It will be different because my Nana and Poppy won't be there to celebrate with us, but they will be there in spirit with us. 

I really do love England, I'd like to live there one day. Maybe marry someone English… Always a dream of mine to live in England. If I did live in England, I would be in such a short distance from Italy, France, Austria, and Germany. These are some of the countries I'd love to visit. Italy has Venice, France has Paris and the Eiffel Tower, Austria has the Spanish Riding School, and Germany has Munich and Berlin. I just want to travel and see the world. My family and I would like to go to Hawaii for Christmas next years, fingers crossed. 

See you tomorrow!

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