Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Week Ahead

Outside my window… It's cold and cloudy. Not very perky weather. Plus, there are construction workers in my backyard working on the pipes. 

I am thinking…  About a few things. Where I will go to university in the fall, if I am moving back to RI, my future career in journalism and, oh yeah homework!

I am thankful… That I've a busy calendar full of baby-sitting, house-sitting and pet-sitting opportunities  as well as a job interview next week.

From the kitchen… Nothing at the moment, might get some toast.

I am hearing… The clicking of keys as I type on my blog and the heater humming. 

Always one of my favorite things… Sitting on my recliner with my dog whom I love very dearly. 

I am reading… Nothing really, other than re-reading this post to make sure everything is grammatically correct.

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week…Wednesday I have class and present my Introductory Speech, Thursday I have to postpone my riding lesson, Friday I begin pet sitting for a neighbor and I may have my friends over. Saturday I have class as well as an errand and Sunday is all dedicated for homework.

College Update… I really need to work on my computer grade, it is not to my satisfactory. At all. 

Riding Update… I rode last week and had a blast! Hercules and I worked on riding with no reins, only contact through seat, voice and legs. It was so good! He is so responsive. When I went to set up a jump, he stood still while I got the things out and then followed me back and forth while I set it up. He was like a puppy!

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