Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thursday Funtime

Today was a ride of fun and of pain. I did a lot of no stirrup work and some leg work (meaning I rode without contact). We didn't go outside today again, but we did ride in the indoor. I like riding in the indoor. I got to the barn a wee bit late, but I managed to get Hercules clean since he was dirty from the field. He just needed a good curry and brushing and then lastly, a tack up. Once we were ready, we headed to the indoor. He was a bit lazy so I did a few serpentines with him to get his mind going. It worked very well. Once he was awake, we did a few canters. A few times, we worked on changing our lead by going across the middle of the arena. We did alright, we just need to work on our transition to the trot at one beat and then into the canter. We walked a few laps after that because Hercules was starting to breathe a bit heavy, that way he got a breather. 

Once he caught his breath, we worked on riding without contact on the reins. It is a serious workout because you use your legs quite a bit in order to keep your horse on the rail. Hercules did fantastic! However we do need to work on halting by voice command. He's a good little pony, I love him so much. The bond he and I share is just indescribable. I guess every person who rides a specific horse has that kind of bond with the horse.

I enjoy riding without using reins because it helps me focus on my balance and on my heels. I feel more balanced after I ride without reins because I've found my center. After we did a few laps of trotting without contact. I picked up a loose rein dropped my stirrups and cantered maybe two laps. That really improved my seat because I felt glued to the saddle. Right now, I am so sore after that workout.

Lastly, we worked on some jumping. I had to set the jump. I didn't want my instructor to do it since the jumps are a bit heavy. Surprisingly, Hercules was very good as I got the standards and poles out. He just stood in the corner where I put him. Once I had everything, I started to set them up, and the amazing thing is that he followed me back and forth while I moved things to the middle of the ring. He was like a little puppy. When jump was up, I actually got him to walk over it without me holding on to the reins (now I wasn't in the saddle, I was on the ground). Kitchie was amazed! But after I did it twice, Hercules didn't want to do it anymore. 

Now, we have been having an issue where we take a little stop before jumping. I figured that when I count 1-2 and half halt one stride before the jump, we jump the cross rail cleanly. We also did a few jumps where I drop the reins over the jump. I enjoy doing that because it gives me a thrill. 

That's our funtime!


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