Monday, March 10, 2014

Muddy Monday

Happy Muddy Monday! Today MudLynn, Mum and I went to the vet to check out her nose because one whole nostril was more swollen than the other.

"Can't you tell by my tail that I am excited to go?!"
"Come on Mom, lets go!"
"OK, changed my mind, lets go home!"

MudLynn is very interesting. She knows the vet so well due to past appointments that she doesn't want to go to the back to get weighed anymore. She made quite a fuss when she was taken to the back room.

She often goes under a chair in order to escape the vets hands. I guess she finds the back room terrifying. But she ended up going.

"Who's out there?"
She has great fun sitting by the door listening to who is barking out in the waiting room.

"Oh no… She's here… RETREAT TO SOPHIE!"
She always retreats when she hears the door opening. MudLynn either goes under a chair or behind my legs.

"Are we done yet?"

Once we thought we were done. We then find out that she needs to Canine Influenza shot in order for her to stay over night next week for her dental surgery. The vet said that when they do her teeth next week, they'll take a biopsy from her nose. Right now, she is on some antibiotics. She is now sitting next to me, "exhausted." Poor thing feels very sensitive since she had the shot. Her paws especially. 

Well that's Muddy Monday!


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