Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Week Ahead

Outside my window… It's cold  and we just got more snow from Winter Storm Titan. It's not too much, just a lightish blanket. It's already starting to melt a bit, I'll absolutely thrilled when it freezes tonight… No, not really.

I am thinking… About ways to enhance my RWU essay for my application, my meeting with a new petting sitting client, my job interview at Fossil, and of course, course work. 

I am thankful… That I've a busy calendar full of baby-sitting, house-sitting and pet-sitting opportunities  as well as a job interview next week.

From the kitchen… Two multi-vitagummies. Very tasty! 

I am hearing… The clicking of keys as I type on my blog and the heater humming. 

Always one of my favorite things… Watch horse movies when I am pet sitting. I just watched Secretariat with Calypso and Sebastian. 

I am reading… An item of homework for English.

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week…Wednesday I have class, Thursday I have my riding lesson, Friday I continue pet sitting for two more days for a neighbor. Saturday I have class and Sunday is always dedicated for homework.

College Update… I really need to work on my computer grade, it is not to my satisfactory. It is increasing a little bit, but I will get it to increase some more.

Riding Update… I was not able to ride last week because my car needed to be worked on so we postponed it to this week. No doubt the paddocks will be muddy and yucky on Thursday.

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