Thursday, April 3, 2014

Thursday Funtime

We had a good ride today. We rode in the indoor again since it was a bit chilly and cloudy again. I mainly rode on my own doing my own flat work since my instructor was with a girl whose horse was being checked out by the vet.

Herucles and I started off doing at least 15 minutes of walking to warm him up. He was a bit more lethargic than normally though. We walked around doing serpentines, halts, back-ups, and changing directions many times in order to get both sides fully warmed up.

We then started trotting around, again changing direction a few times. Since he was a bit lethargic, he was very slow at the trot. Since he was nice and slow, I let him stretch his neck out. He looks like a hunter pony with his neck all stretched and long.

We then worked on our cantering. When we did that, he started to get excited since he started to whinny since the other horses were coming in to eat their dinner. However, after we cantered and went down to the trot, he started to stretch his neck out even more which I absolutely love. 

Once my instructor came back into the indoor, we did some jumping! I am still currently jumping 2'6…

We did well jumping. I for some reason was a bit rusty. But, we are improving in landing with our correct leads. We worked only with two 2'6 cross rails in the middle of the arena. We stopped jumping when he started to huff and puff like the big bad wolf. He was a. more hyper than usual and b. more lethargic in the beginning. But he was a good boy. He got a few carrots and a good groom after our ride.


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