Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thursday Funtime

Hi guys, again I don't have any photos of today's lesson or really my last lesson at Princess Anne Farm.

We did a lot of different things today, so much that my legs hurt now. I got to the barn a bit late, but my instructor wasn't there yet, so I had time to get ready. I rode Rugby again because he is very challenging for me to ride unlike Hercules.

We did a good amount of walking in order to ensure that he was relaxed and well warmed up. He was very relaxed in the beginning. We then did some trotting to wake him up. Once we were all warmed up, we worked on a turn on the forehand. I've done this already for 4-H trail class and it was easy for me to do. Rugby is very flexible but he has a good and bad side which is common. We did do some half passing. Half passing is good for when you need to fix your position when going towards the jump to ensure you are in the center of the jump.

After that, we worked on haunches out and shoulder in. Surprisingly, Rugby is very flexible at doing this.  We did this a few times on each side of the arena, however Rugby didn't like it very much. I learned that he has to be ridden with a soft leg because he kicked out when my leg was a bit too strong. After that, I learned how to do a flying lead change! However it was the greatest achievement since he swapped his lead back to the wrong lead.

We then did some jumping which he and I were happy about. He did buck twice when we started to canter towards the jump since my leg was too strong and also because he was getting a bit excited. We jumped the same course like last week. So, there is really nothing all that new about jumping.


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