Saturday, June 28, 2014

Influencing Children with Animals

When I was a young girl; by young I mean around 11 years old, I used to go to the local library and read to therapy dogs as a sort of community service. I then always wondered how I could influence children with animals like my dog and the horses I ride.

I currently babysit for a family down the road from me, who I have also become very close to. One of the girls I watch, Bella, has been absolutely terrified of dogs, especially of their neighbors two rambunctious terriers. Lately, I have been using MudLynn as a sort of therapy dog with Bella trying to get her to become more comfortable with and around dogs. 

And it has been working. Bella is often playing outside whenever I have been walking my dog around my neighborhood's common area, and she comes up to me asking if she can pet MudLynn. I am always glad that she asks me because I know she likes MudLynn and I want her to like dogs. Today, she asked if she could hold the leash, and I was astonished! I was amazed at what MudLynn and I have influenced in Bella. She just became a whole different little girl. I think it is because she is so calm and docile around children that know how to be around dogs.

With this little event, it makes me want to go to training with MudLynn to train her to be a therapy dog in order for her to meet children and elderly people who would love to see a calm companion. Also, it makes me want to do the Canine Good Citizen and train MudLynn to become a therapy dog. I have just spent an hour looking at training videos and the Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Test. Just takes repetition, practice and positive reinforcement. I think we could do it.

Comment your thoughts! Bye!!

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