Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Medieval Obsessed

I am absolutely obsessed with anything medieval, well mainly horse tack and dresses. I am always looking at Etsy at the dresses for sale or on the Baroque Horse Store at their exquisite pieces of tack. I think that the time I went to Medieval Times in Illinois is really what triggered my love for the medieval time period. I actually got to be the Queen of Love and Beauty in the Red and Yellow knight's section. I still have the little sash somewhere in my room.

Right now, I am dead set on saving my money up in order for me to own a baroque horse; example, a Friesian. I absolutely love this breed, possibly my overall dream horse. I've had the privilege of seeing one up close at Equine Affaire and my goodness, they are majestic creatures. Their presence is just astounding. I fell in love with them even more when I saw the Behind the Mask group perform at Fantasia at Equine Affaire. Their mane and tails are just unbelievable. So beautiful.

What's your favorite breed?

Photo Credit: Google Images

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