Monday, August 11, 2014

August Goals

#1 : Get to Know the Area

I am currently waiting for my car to arrive so right now, I am paying close attention the how confusing the roads are. There are so many! But, the roads aren't too bad, just a higher speed limit but less lanes. It's back to two lanes per direction from Poulsbo to Silverdale. 

#2 : To Find a Job During College

I am in desperate need of a paying job for multiple reasons. One being that I need to pay for equipment for when I join the riding team. This includes socks, breeches, polo shirts, and other items. Second being that I need to start an account for my car if it has any issues. And thirdly, I just need to save up for future expenses.

#3 : Become More Independent

This goal will include buying more of my things myself, paying for certain things, keeping a close inventory of my items, and to always have a full bank account. I just want to start doing things on my own without anyone else's help. 

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