Monday, August 25, 2014

Becoming a Better You : Money


This is one part that relates to me a lot right now since I am a bit of a spender at times. It's my goal during college to be more smart with my spending as well as the decision of getting a job.

Money is important. It's what pays our bills and keeps us out of the black. Money also makes us happy by being spent on items to fit our needs such as clothes, shoes, furniture and other items. And sometimes, it gives us little bits of luxury.

My tip for you is to start a money jar. This money jar can have any purpose. Whether the fund is for shopping, holiday trips, or anything your heart desires. Just place the jar by your front door and every time you come in the door, put every coin you have in either pocket or wallet in the jar and watch it grow. You'll be surprised about how much is in the jar at the end.

Another tip is to set a monthly spending limit on everything. Say you set a limit of $100 for beauty spending (eyebrow waxing, manicure, haircut, pedi, facials, etc.), a limit of $400 for clothes and shoes and maybe $30 for music such as iTunes. These spending limits are perfect to place in your monthly budget on Excel (if it is on Excel, of course).  My mum taught me how to make my monthly budget in an Excel worksheet.

My last tip is that you place a photo of the thing you really want most in your wallet. Is it a new designer handbag or a those killer shoes you saw in the window? With the photo, you see it every time you open your wallet. You then think, do I need this item or do I just want it. I do this often and it does help. My wallet normally holds photos of a horse I dream of, shoes I drool over and clothes I yearn for.  Just ask yourself that question when you find something you might want, but in the end it might end up in the donations bin.

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