Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Week Ahead

Outside my window… The weather is very sunny with a slight chill in the air.
I am thinking… About how I wish my professors had a text book rather than files we have to print out. I feel like I am killing trees every time I print something.

I am thankful… For having an awesome mom who sends me care packages. I have had two and I swear, I eat my way through them.

From the kitchen… Today I had a lovely waffle with strawberries from the dining hall.

I am hearing… The clicking of keys as my fingers type on my ASUS.

I am watching… Nothing.
Always one of my favorite things… Looking at apartments and writing random plea essays.

I am reading… The Boys in the Boat and the Pitmen Painters.
I am making… Nothing.

I am writing… This blog post!
A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week… Today, I was able to have a lovely sleep in (I woke up at 11:30) and now I am studying. I will be doing some more homework reading tomorrow and I should hear about the IHSA team practice schedule. Monday, my morning class is cancelled for this week and then I have a quiz in art history. Tuesday, I have my three classes (Jour 190, Seminar, and Native American History). Wednesday, I only have JOUR and Art History. Thursday is just a repeat of Tuesday. Then Friday, I only have my JOUR class. The weekend will just be filled with more studying.
MudLynn Update… My mom just sent me this photo and I miss my baby so much.

College Update… College is going great so far. My time is filled with homework.
Riding Update… I just ordered my gear, and now I have to go drop off my physical forms and dues at the Rec Center.

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